Sunday, May 30, 2010

TWYF'ers: Request for momment of silence.

I can say that in terms of celebrity news, nothing has really stopped me in my tracks and halted my life. This weekend it happened twice.

I'll always remember some key historic events that I'll flash back to where I was exactly.
  • 1994 Rangers winning the Cup. (At home watching it on television when our family first got cable through legal means.)
  • 1996 Yankees winning World Series (At my good friend's house watching the game)
  • World Trade Center. (Waking up in Buffalo in my dorm room.)
  • Gary Coleman's passing. (Sitting in front of my computer at work with my co-worker not understanding why I'm terribly upset.)
From the "Whatchoo talkin' about, Willis" to his remarkable cameo performance on a Simspons' Christmas episode and finally to his last film 'Midgets versus Mascots' where he knocks out Scottie Pippen with a telephone, Gary has provided me countless of hours of sheer entertainment. I can affirm that Gary's gotten me through life with more smiles where I would otherwise be an unhappy void.

And then Dennis Hopper passes! I was in bed on a Sunday morning checking my facebook when I read a post from a friend in Ireland. Perhaps a top 5 to 10 movie villain for me. What a shame. I think him and Gary could have made a dynamic villain team, perhaps the next Starsky and Hutch-esque characters but evil.

RIP (to the tune of Sarah McLaughlan's 'I Will Remember You.')

I hope you all enjoy your Memorial Day weekend. Remember the troops, remember Gary and Dennis. Don't forget to spay or neuter your pets. And most of all GO 'MERICA!"


  1. I will miss both actors. Hoffman, I always thought was underrated.

  2. Sleep well, sweet prince(s). The celebs always go in threes. Who's next? $20 says it's a Baldwin.

  3. You must be referring a low-rent Baldwin like Stephen, 'cause Alec Baldwin will outlive us all.

    Anyway, RIP Gary; RIP Dennis. The world is a poorer place without them.
