Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Greatest Mass Transit Fights Captured on YouTube

For me, there is nothing more entertaining than a good ol' fashioned street fight (so long as I'm not involved in one, which assuredly I would be on the losing end). The only drawbacks of the old knockdown drag out in the streets is thus:

A) It's usually surrounded by a bunch of rowdy gawkers, so actually getting a good view can be difficult.
B) They're usually in constant motion, the *ahem* pugilists are always dancing around with the aforementioned crowd adapting around them, which makes tracking the combatants tricky.
C) They're over in a blink of an eye.

So how do you improve the street fight? Why, move it to a venue oft compared to an inescapable metal tube of course! Where better to prize fight than a public bus or subway? Front row seats for all spectators! Narrow walkways to allow face-to-face bouts! And sealed doors to encourage immediate rematches! Hooray!

It is with great pleasure that I present the three Greatest Mass Transit Fights ever, courtesy of YouTube!
(Que Louis Armstrong's What a Wonderful Wold)

Epic Beard Man

Soulja Girl

San Fran MUNI

Bonus: The Japanese Subway


  1. Just when I thought I had wasted 30 mins of Bodo's naptime watching these videos instead of being a more productive Stay-At-Home-Mom and alphabetizing the spice rack, I get the pay-off: crazy Asians en masse. Whether its San Fran or Japan, bus aisle throwdown or just your average day at work stuffing commuters into a train as if they were soiled cloth diapers into a washer all the while wearing white gloves, Asians just function on a different wavelength than the rest of the world. And how come the combatants never notice the camera-phone guy?

  2. For the past 11 years, haven't lived in a city where I've used public transport on a daily basis. I miss a lot from my city living but the hi-jinx of subway ridership definitely defaults to the top of the list. Thank you for jogging some great memories of teenager versus homeless A train fists fights that always seem to occur in the long tunnel between 59th Street and 125th Street.

    The only thing I have going for me is work/California driver induced road rage on Colorado State Highway 119.

