Monday, June 21, 2010


So I've come to the realization that we here at TIWYF and our core audience (shout out to THORNER!) are all pushing thirty years of age, and thus, rapidly reaching a milestone in our emotionally under-developed lives.
As I celebrated my 29th b-day alone in the dark with one hand cradling a giant bottle of Jack (shout out to MAKU!), the other hand ashing a smoke (shout out to I TO THE C!), and my lips wrapped around the barrel of a .38 revolver (shout out to Missoura's lax gun laws!), I had an epiphany of sorts.
Our blog must change, as we have changed! But how you ask? Will it evolve to cover more topical and mature subject matter? Will we, as contributors offer more honesty and insight within our posts? Will even a single post be relevant anyone's interests outside our own? Well, I feel comfortable speaking for my fellow contributors when I say this:
So how has the blog changed? Bigger fonts for your old-man eyes to read! More graphics to recapture your dwindling attention span! A slightly modified format courtesy of some guy named Josh Peterson!
So pardon our dust while we continue to tweak our appearance...


  1. I agree that Thorner has been our core audience. But we need to diversify!

  2. Ride or Die! As I to the C lurches ever so close to 30, he is leery of adult change and fears the impending future of inevitable family related maturity. I likes what I like. Should the day come where I can't rant about Gary Coleman, baseball, and movies all in the same post, I'll be moving back to good ol' Missoura, purchasing a $19 AK-47 and well... I'll let your imaginations take on the the rest.

    Diversify, yes we need to spread our word. Patience friends. The niche audience is there. They just don't know the joys of our world.

    TWYFer's, thanks for your continued support and continue to spread the word.

  3. As a devout TWYFer over 30, it ain't no thang. Thirty is just a number.
