Saturday, August 7, 2010

Poll: Favorite Indiana Jones Movie

I can honestly say that I learned more about history watching the Indiana Jones trilogy (yes, trilogy) than in my formal education. Who were the bad guys in WWII? The Nazis. Who were the good guys in WWII? The good ol' US of A, those guys who talked like James Bond and the man who single-handedly won the war for the Allies: Indiana Mother-Fucking Jones.
Of his THREE films, my favorite happens to be the dark horse of the lot, Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom. Sure it may be a controversial choice but what it lacks in face melting Nazi goodness, it makes up for in the only non-annoying child sidekick in the history of cinema; the one, the only, Wan Li, aka SHORT ROUND!
What more can you ask for in a buddy while on the hunt for fortune and glory? He drives (badly), knows kung-fu, cheats at cards, burns little Indian boys with torches for kicks, and isn't afraid to openly profess his love for you when you've been poisoned with will-breaking dark blood! That movie should have been called 
Short Round and The Temple of Doom Filled With Insane Cultists Who's Asses He Kicks
So which of Dr. Henry Jones Jr.'s adventures is your favorite? Vote on the poll in the sidebar and tell us why in the comments!


  1. I love The Temple of Doom. I do, I make no bones about it, it's such a fun film. However my favorite Indiana Jones film has to be Last Crusade. It really is the emotional heart of the series. While Short Round is an awesome sidekick, nothing can match the banter between Jones father and son. Last Crusade has an amazing score and a touching ending, the good guys riding off into the sunset. Also, Indiana Jones beats up a tank.

  2. Last Crusade!

    Two Jones for the price of one!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Another vote for Last Crusade. While I love me some Short Round, especially his oft-overlooked portrayal of the token Asian in Goonies, nothing beats the father-son Ménage à trois with a lying Nazi woman in Last Crusade.
